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Where consoles and games are heading?

Article written by computech blog, we bring you the latest on technology and internet The world’s largest yearly gaming show, the Electronic Entertainment Expo in Los Angeles concluded in June 2013. The Expo was full of new gadgets and news about already embattled Nintendo dominated the circles. Poor sales of Nintendo’s Wii U became one of the highlights of the show. Since its release last year, Nintendo only managed to sell 3.45 units so far even though they expected to sell more than 5.5 million units, a 37 percent drop in expected sales. In order to boost its sales Nintendo announced that it is allowing crowdsourcing of Wii U games, a surprise policy change foe Nintendo. This will open up for gamers, hobbyists, and programmers to participate in game development for Wii U and other Nintendo consoles, a major policy change for Nintendo which only allowed licensed game developers. New PS4 from Nintendo will come out this year just in time for holidays, is priced at $400. Its biggest competitor will be the expected release of Xbox One by Microsoft which is priced at $500. The Expo was also full of rumored that Google is getting ready to release its own game console in the near future. They all better come with a plan to get enough games.